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Business, Housing & Zoning Committee

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City Council Business, Housing, and Zoning Committee Meeting Summary

Meeting Information

  • Date: September 24, 2024
  • Title: Regular Meeting of the Business, Housing and Zoning Committee
  • Present: Osman (Chair), Rainville, Cashman, Jenkins, Chowdhury, Chavez (joined late)
  • Absent: Ellison (Vice Chair)
  • Guests: Ben Zimmerman and Ossa Apartanu (Budget Division), Connie Milchizidek and Bob Kaufmann (Accord Health), Lindy Silas (CPED), Sarah (City Audit Office)
  • Votes: 5


  • Presentation on 2025 License Fee Schedule recommendations
  • Appeal hearing for Conditional Use Permit for emergency shelter at 1801 Nicollet Avenue
  • Discussion on Conditional Use Permit for 918 West Lake Street
  • Presentation on Transportation Network Company (TNC) fees
  • Presentation on addressing homelessness through safe outdoor spaces


2025 License Fee Schedule

The committee heard a presentation from Ben Zimmerman and Ossa Apartanu on the proposed 2025 License Fee Schedule. The recommendation included a 5% base increase for most fees, excluding Parking and Traffic Control (PCAR). The increase was driven by personnel expense budget increases. Some fees were held flat or decreased to align with state and federal policies or to incentivize certain behaviors.

Cecil Smith from the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association expressed concern about the 10% increase for large Tier 1 rental properties, citing current economic challenges in the rental market. He urged the committee to pause the increase.

The committee moved the item forward to full Council without recommendation, anticipating potential amendments.

Vote: Passed unanimously

Conditional Use Permit for Emergency Shelter at 1801 Nicollet Avenue

The committee held an appeal hearing regarding the City Planning Commission’s decision to approve a Conditional Use Permit for an emergency shelter at 1801 Nicollet Avenue. The proposed facility would be a 64-bed recuperative care facility operated by Accord Health.

The appellant, representing nearby property owners, argued that the facility would negatively impact the neighborhood and did not meet the criteria for a Conditional Use Permit. Concerns were raised about the concentration of homeless services in the area and the potential for increased crime and drug use.

The applicant, Accord Health, countered that the facility is not a traditional homeless shelter but a medical care facility for referred individuals already in the care system. They emphasized the professional nature of the operation and the need for such services.

Community members expressed mixed opinions, with some supporting the need for such services and others concerned about the impact on the neighborhood.

Council Member Osman moved to continue the item to the next cycle to allow for further community engagement.

Vote: Passed unanimously

Conditional Use Permit for 918 West Lake Street

The committee discussed the Conditional Use Permit for 918 West Lake Street, which had been continued from a previous meeting to allow for community engagement. The applicant had met with community stakeholders and agreed to several conditions, including adding skylights, maintaining a specific staff-to-client ratio, and appointing a community liaison officer.

Council Member Rainville moved to approve the item with the recommended conditions.

Vote: Passed unanimously

Transportation Network Company (TNC) Fees

Amy Lingo presented findings from a fee study on Transportation Network Companies. The study revealed that the city was overcollecting fees with a recovery ratio of 193%. Recommendations were made to adjust fees to achieve a recovery ratio closer to 95%. The presentation also included options for tiered fee levels based on company size and considerations for incentivizing wheelchair-accessible services.

The committee received and filed the presentation without further action.

Safe Outdoor Spaces for Addressing Homelessness

Sarah from the City Audit Office presented findings on the potential establishment of safe outdoor spaces to address homelessness in Minneapolis. The presentation covered the current state of homelessness in Hennepin County, experiences from other cities with similar programs, and considerations for implementing such spaces in Minneapolis.

Council Member Chavez expressed support for pursuing safe outdoor spaces and safe parking initiatives, citing positive outcomes from similar programs in other cities. He mentioned that he, along with Council Members Chowdhury and Chughtai, would be introducing related ordinances soon.

The committee received and filed the presentation without further action.

Public Comments

  • Eric Burger: Supported adding CO2 to the PCAR 2025 fee schedule to advance the city’s climate goals.
  • Angela Holmerguard: Represented a small short-term vacation rental management company and expressed concern about the significant increase in fees for their business category.
  • Lydia Mallard: Executive Director of Stevens Square Loring Heights, expressed concern about the lack of community engagement from Accord Health regarding their proposed facility at 1801 Nicollet Avenue.
  • Mike Finkelstein: Managing partner of a nearby building, opposed the emergency shelter at 1801 Nicollet Avenue, citing concerns about the impact on the commercial corridor and existing drug-related issues in the area.
  • April Kelly: Long-time employee in the Stevens Square neighborhood, opposed the emergency shelter at 1801 Nicollet Avenue, expressing concerns about the impact on an already challenging area.